Unexplained loss of muscle mass - Balanced Hormones Center

Unexplained loss of muscle mass, known medically as cachexia, is a complex condition characterized by weight loss and muscle wasting that cannot be reversed simply by increasing calorie intake. Some key points about cachexia:

Early intervention with nutritional supplements can help offset muscle loss and preserve strength. At Balanced Hormones Center, we offer comprehensive care plans tailored to the individual root causes of cachexia. Our hormone optimization protocols help regulate inflammation, metabolism and anabolic signals promoting muscle growth. I invite you to (increasetestosterone.co) with one of our physicians specializing in cachexia management. We're here to help you halt muscle wasting and regain strength! I hope this gives you a good overview of this complex condition involving lean tissue loss. Let me know if you have any other questions! Balanced Hormones Center wishes you the very best in resolving cachexia and improving your vitality.

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